Matthew Shupler, James Mwitari, Arthur Gohole, Rachel Anderson de Cuevas, Elisa Puzzolo, Iva Čukić, Emily Nix and Daniel Pope, 21 March 2021, "Shupler et al. 2021. ‘COVID-19 Impacts on Household Energy & Food Security in a Kenyan Informal Settlement."", contributed by Angela Okune, Research Data Share, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 19 May 2021, accessed 13 March 2025.‘covid-19-impacts-household-energy-food-security-kenyan-informal
Critical Commentary
A public piece translating findings from a scientific study on household energy in Kenya was published in "The Conversation" in April 2021 ( The original scientific work that the public piece was based on had found that COVID-19 led households living in Kibera to alter their cooking fuel, and change their cooking behaviors and foods consumed. Some of those changes are depicted in this image which was published as the article's "graphical abstract".