Anonymous, "'Underdevelopment' in Africa - What's the Real Story? (1/3) - Howard Nichola", contributed by Aurelia Munene, Research Data Share, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 19 September 2024, accessed 13 March 2025.
Critical Commentary
The video (screen shot of the video is presented by an Economics, Prof. Howard Nicholas. (He was my economics lecturer at ISS). He is providing insights on the underdevelopment of Africa from the perspective of the global financial institutions and international economics that has been put in place by the West to deliberatly keep Africa poor and the power of ideology. Why this talk is interesting is because I met Profesor Howard recently in Kenya, with other ISS alumni and we reflected on how these conversations are missing (even on ideology ) in postgraduate studies yet they are fundamental understanding our context, how we frame our research questions etc. I put this artifact to indicate an important missing part of the conversation in postgraduate training. We talked about holding such conversations in the universities we are afilliated with.