AO: Gender discussion (or not) within various COVID-19 discourses. What is foregrounded and backgrounded?

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Contributed date

July 29, 2020 - 7:43am

Critical Commentary

Aurelia Munene: I found the article on the Elephant Publication. It provokes the reader to rethink the idea of the home where social reproduction takes place in Kenya in light of the lockdon and stay at home orders. The Home is contextual and the pandemic is revealing the inequalities  of reproductive labour sharing, violence and how dominant notion of home has been challenged. The author calls us to see the home as a political economy. We need to rethink, redistribute, compensate the care economy which is central in sustaining the population. 



Cite as

Ambreena Manji, "AO: Gender discussion (or not) within various COVID-19 discourses. What is foregrounded and backgrounded?", contributed by Aurelia Munene, Research Data Share, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 29 July 2020, accessed 13 March 2025.