Government of the Republic of Kenya. (2008). Kenya Vision 2030 (The Popular Version). Government of the Republic of Kenya.

AO: This is the Kenya Vision 2030 document launched in 2008 (and republished as the "popular version") in 2018 on the Vision 2030 website (https://vision2030.go.ke/). The document outlines the long-term development blueprint for the country.Read more

Government of the Republic of Kenya. (2018). Marking 10 Years of Progress (2008—2018). Government of the Republic of Kenya.

AO: This is the Government of Kenya's 10 year progress report on what has been achieved with regards to its Vision 2030 which former President Kibaki launched in 2008.Read more


AO: This is a digital copy of the 2011 Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act which I use in discussion of the ways that travel and immigration policies shape the internal raced hierarchies of who is considered to be and compensated as an expert in Kenya. Under the Kenya Citizenship and...Read more

Government of the Republic of Kenya. (2008). Nairobi Metro 2030 Strategy .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.

AO: This report was shared with me by Hawi as we have been discussing the analytic value of thinking at the level of the city rather than at the nation state. As I was attempting to look for the original source of this report, I came across the...Read more

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