Transcript of Opening Remarks at "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures: Stewardship and Care of Research Data"
November 12, 2019
Venue: McMillan Library
Angela Okune
Leonida Mutuku
Initial transcript done by...Read more
Transcript of Panel 1 Discussion at "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures: Stewardship and Care of Research Data"
November 12, 2019
Venue: McMillan Library
Moderator: Leonida Mutuku
Leah Komen
Joyce Wangari
John Osogo...Read more
AO: This is the powerpoint presentation that Leo and I used for our opening remarks.Read more
AO: This was the hand-out given to participants upon entry to invite them to think with us throughout the day based on their observations, experiences and the discussion.Read more
AO: This is a copy of the Eventbrite invitation for the event.Read more