McMillan Library

Photos from "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures"

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Panel 1: Promoting and Supporting Student Interests in Research and Archiving

This photo was taken of Panel 1 on "Promoting and supporting student interests in research and archiving" at the November 12, 2019 event on "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures."

Panel participants included Dr. Leah Komen, Daystar University; Joyce Wangari, Eider Africa; Dr. Osogo Ambani, Strathmore University Press; and Njuki Githethwa, Ukombozi Library.

Panel 2: Expanding Forms of Research Outputs

This is a photo taken from Panel 2 on "Expanding Forms of Research Outputs" at the November 12, 2019 event on "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures." Panel participants included Syokau Mutonga, Book Bunk; Tayiana Chao, African Digital Heritage; Esther Obachi, University of Nairobi Libraries; and Aurelia Munene, Eider Africa.

Panel 3: Data Localisation and Governance

This is a photo from Panel 3 on "Data Localisation and Governance" at the November 12, 2019 event on "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures."

Panel participants included Phares Kariuki, Node Africa; Micah Rachuonyo, Kenya Bureau of Standards; Grace Bomu, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT) - Strathmore University; Richard Nzuki Nzioki, International Development Research Centre (IDRC); and Muchiri Nyaggah, Local Development Research Institute (LDRI).

Eventbrite Invitation to "Archiving Kenya's Past and Futures"

AO: This is a copy of the Eventbrite invitation for the event.Read more

Transcript: Opening Remarks at Archiving Kenya's Past and Futures

Transcript of Opening Remarks at "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures: Stewardship and Care of Research Data"

November 12, 2019

Venue: McMillan Library


Angela Okune

Leonida Mutuku

Initial transcript done by...Read more

Transcript: Panel 1 at Archiving Kenya's Past and Futures

Transcript of Panel 1 Discussion at "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures: Stewardship and Care of Research Data"

November 12, 2019

Venue: McMillan Library

Moderator: Leonida Mutuku


Leah Komen

Joyce Wangari

John Osogo...Read more

Nov. 12, 2019 collaborative analytic questions

AO: This was the hand-out given to participants upon entry to invite them to think with us throughout the day based on their observations, experiences and the discussion.Read more

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