I find it interesting that in the entire article, which includes descriptions about tech helping to fill voids on the "dark continent", race is not mentioned once. In the...Read more
This encounter illustrates how, despite the diverse racial make-up of Nairobi residents, mixed race marriages (Black-White) are still met with surprise. I am constantly surprised that it is...Read more
C mentioned that the Black Kenyan male founders she was helping realized after doing some market research that the market believed that it was a white/mzungu (Swahili for foreigner) founder...Read more
This blog post builds on ongoing discussions in the Nairobi tech space where race-based privilege is being increasingly articulated to describe the unequal playing ground that black Kenyan founders and white expatriate founders face when looking for start-up capital. This post focuses on the 30...Read more
AO: This 2017 report has been particularly influential in the Kenyan technology space and continues to be cited in conversations regarding race, tech capital and privilege. The key finding that created a big buzz and is primarily what is referred to when people mention "The Village Capital...Read more